CodeDescription du produitPrixQuantitéAcheter
GP35.01GP35.01 Serto Boiler Outlet 2 pcs 14-1/2"$ 36.25
GP19.0GP19.0 Serto Boiler Outlet 2 pcs 14-1/2"$ 35.10
SW14.30Pompe à détergent? BETA?$ 398.26
GP45.0Bras de lavage inox 25i$ 270.00
GP14.6Injecteur M12x16; assy$ 72.24
SW97.5Legrand electronic box$ 68.20
SW97.31Contactor jumper 10mm$ 7.80
SW97.32Heater element jumper 10mm$ 7.95
SW97.22Bornier stopper Euro-Rail$ 3.35
SW97.3Heater cable 25 450mm$ 9.00
SW93.0Fuse 1A (slow blow) 20mm$ 2.95
SW93.15Fuse 1.5 amp for drain pump / Fusible 1.5 amp pour pompe$ 2.95
SW97.01Motor relais ABB ESB 20A$ 92.61
SW79.1HS-20 drain hose clamp 14-44mm$ 3.30
SW79.2HS-24 pump hose clamp 27-51mm$ 3.55
SW80.0HS-28 pump hose clamp 33-57mm$ 3.75
SW25.3Booster drain screw M10x16$ 4.98
SW79.0HAS-8 Solenoid clamp$ 2.35
SW14.31Pump tubing ?BETA?$ 18.75
SW14.32Detergent pump bracket ?BETA?$ 52.65
SW06.2Solenoid replacement kit & pump (partial)$ 798.45
SW14.30Detergent pump ?BETA?$ 398.26
SW05.3Reed door switch C&K 30V$ 35.40
SW05.31Bracket for reed switch$ 10.50
SW05.2Magnet for SW 05.1$ 13.50
SW04.21AMP plug (female)$ 1.20
SW05.0Door switch magnetic (for Swissh 25i & 25i Plus series only)$ 68.60
SW05.1S/S door switch tube 25i; assy$ 38.15
SW04.11AMP plug (male)$ 1.20
SW04.2Motor connector female$ 3.55
SW04.1Motor connector male$ 3.55
SW04.0Motor bracket S/S$ 14.85
SW02.4Power cord AWG 10-3, 1 phase$ 98.76
SW02.41Power cord AWG 10-4, 3 phase$ 72.60
SW02.2Plug (female)$ 27.36
SW01.5M4 flathead screw for side panel$ 2.25
SW01.6Clear window front panel$ 12.15
SW02.1Plug (male)$ 26.16
SW01.4Front panel dome nut M6$ 2.75
SW01.01Membrane electronic 2002$ 24.55
SW01.1Front panel$ 187.20
SB20.0Pressure regulator compl.$ 135.40
SW01.0Swissh sign plate$ 23.05
GP95.1Water-level sensor probe; assy$ 84.75
SB1917" Base$ 579.15
GP94.92Ribbon cable (bus) for DWC-2002$ 36.80
GP94.86MCU-DWC-2002$ 122.97
GP94.9Electronic control unit DWC-2002$ 792.86
GP94.91Remote control board for DWC-2002$ 265.40
GP94.71PBC connector (12pin) for DWC$ 24.36
GP94.61PCB connector (9pin) for DWC$ 19.68
GP94.4Suds sensor probe; assy$ 122.85
GP94.51Temperature sensor for DWC$ 64.70
GP85.3PVC rinse 5 mm$ 7.21
GP85.4Norton norprene detergent hose$ 12.35
GP83.6Rinse pump synthetic$ 395.00
GP83.61PTFE rinse pump tube; assy$ 49.50
GP85.1Detergent/Rinse pipe Inox 420 mm/5 mm$ 46.80
GP81.31Disk filter for drain$ 16.40
GP81.51-1/4? Md Pvc solution W Wa$ 15.80
GP78.8Topsil Pressure hose ID13 x 0D26$ 42.38
GP81.21Drain Pump / Pompe de drainage$ 304.95
GP81.25Drain filter for drain pompe / Filtre pour pompe de drainage$ 16.80
GP73.5Motor capacitor 10 micro 25$ 21.30
GP76.0Pressure hose 25$ 54.64
GP77.0Pump inlet hose 42mm$ 23.60
GP70.61Pump housing FIR 25$ 65.55
GP70.62Pump support FIR 25$ 78.70
GP70.7Ball bearing pump motor 25$ 14.05
GP70.5Swissh 25 pump/motor assy. NEW$ 699.69
GP60.0Hinge bolt M8 25i$ 16.05
GP70.2Pump shaft seal 25$ 38.76
GP56.0Door spring 8.5/30mm 25i$ 7.65
GP59.0Door lock screw M6 25i$ 13.95
GP51.0O-ring for overflow$ 6.15
GP52.0Filter to washmotor 25i$ 121.70
GP49.0Overflow with O-ring 195mm 25i$ 101.70
GP49.2Reduction geberit drain$ 115.56
GP49.25O-ring set for geberit drain$ 20.50
GP44.3Spring retainer ring brass$ 17.83
GP44.4Washtube inox 33mm$ 270.00
GP45.0Washarm inox 25i$ 270.00
GP42.0Washarm bushing 25i$ 59.22
GP42.01Washer$ 7.05
GP43.9Nylon ring washarm$ 32.80
GP44.2Conical spring for wash-pipe$ 14.55
GP37.1Nylon washer$ 2.65
GP38.2Lower lock plate w/nipple 25i$ 41.55
GP39.0Rinse arm 25i & 65i$ 196.80
GP41.0Threaded end plug rinse arm M9$ 16.84
GP36.1Rinse axle 25i & 65i; assy. (includes GP37.01)$ 54.00
GP37.0Nut for rinse arm brass; assy. (includes GP37.1)$ 19.14
GP37.01Rinse axle screw M3x12$ 1.50
GP35.7Washsystem inferior$ 397.14
GP35.71Hex screw S/S M6x12$ 2.15
GP35.8Washsystem superior P25$ 290.25
GP35.3Rinse system inferior P25$ 93.60
GP35.35Strainer replacement Kit$ 153.25
GP35.4Rinse system superior P25$ 111.15
GP33.0Fastener brackets for ?EGO?$ 6.90
GP33.1Hex nut M5 w/washer$ 1.80
GP35.0Dirt strainer booster outlet 25i$ 96.78
GP31.0Heater ?EGO? 220V 6000W$ 198.75
GP25.0Booster 25i (see booster/strainer replacement)$ 750.00
GP25.1Screw for booster M5x20$ 2.60
GP25.2O-Ring VM-7710103-0006$ 2.42
GP20.2O-Ring for GP 20.1$ 4.26
GP20.3Tightening ring 14 mm 71DPR 14S$ 17.50
GP20.4Attachment screw E0 M15 PL$ 18.81
GP19.9Boiler entry tube 14 mm flanged$ 233.46
GP17.6Tubing PTFE 6mm$ 35.67
GP14.0Injector ?Swissh? Inox$ 72.24
GP14.6Injector M12x16; assy$ 72.24
GP03.0Gasket ?Garlock? 1/2?$ 3.12
GP06.11MSingle valve ?Muller?$ 132.50
GP06.7Check-valve for injector line$ 33.00
GP13.6S/S Compression fitting Serto$ 7.65
GP01.0Metal hose 1250mm$ 69.65
GP00.1Add-on base 0mm 25i$ 204.75
GP00.2Add on base 100mm 25i$ 204.75
GP00.3Add on base 150mm 25i$ 204.75
SW03.3Gasket ?Garlock? 5/8?$ 3.12
GP13.7S/S Sleeve Compress. Fitting Serto$ 4.53