J.M Manager Equipment Development, Inovation & Services
I am very pleased to advise you that Swissh Commercial Equipment has earned A&W’s Award of Excellence for performance and service levels during 2014. On a scale of 0.0 to 5.0, with 4.0 being the minimum requirement to achieve Award of Excellence status, Swissh Commercial Equipment’s performance rating for 2014 was 4.06. Congratulations on this outstanding result! The A&W Supplier Award of Excellence winners are determined through evaluations submitted by our New Restaurant Operators, A&W’s Accounting Department, Business Managers and the Equipment Services Department. Swissh Commercial Equipment has achieved one of the highest scores amongst approximately 50 equipment suppliers. In total only 7 awards were given out for 2014. This result is a real testament to you and the team at Swissh Commercial Equipment’s continued commitment to A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. over the years. Well done! Congratulations once again on your fantastic scores. I look forward to working with you as we continue to build on the success of our long-term partnership. Sincerely,  
J.M Manager Equipment Development, Inovation & Services / A&W

J.B The Equipment Service Team
We are very pleased to advise you that Swissh Commercial Equipment has earned A&W’s Award of Excellence for performance and service levels during 2008. The A&W Supplier Award of Excellence winners are determined through evaluations submitted by our Restaurant Operators, A&W’s Accounting Department and the Equipment Services Department. The support you provide our franchisees is outstanding. Your high level of service has been noted several times by our franchisees and operations team. We especially appreciate your dedication to resolving issues within very tight time frames. We look forward to the continued successful relationship between A&W and Swissh. Sincerely
J.B The Equipment Service Team / A&W

T.P. Manager, Equipment Services
Just wanted to send you a note to say thank you for attending our National Convention last week in Los Angeles. You invested a lot of time, money and energy spending this time with our operators. The Supplier Show truly is one of the biggest attractions for our operators. The feedback I heard from franchisees was outstanding! This is very much attributed to you, and your team back home, that work every day supporting our system and brand. We will continue to look to you as an industry leader as we grow the A&W chain to over 1000 restaurants and $1 .2 billion in system sales. Looking forward to the journey!
T.P. Manager, Equipment Services / A&W

EMR Services Ltd has been involved in a service capacity with the Swissh dishwashers since 1999. From then until now we have been nothing less than very impressed with the product and support from Swissh. We are not exactly sure of the number of units in our service area as service calls are few and far between. We do know ofthirteen units in our area, six of which are located at various Tim Horton’s locations owned and operated by the Corey Craig Group here in Moncton. I knew from the first day I inspected a Swissh unit that it would be a proper fit for the punishing environment of a Tim Horton’s location. My first encounter with the unit at an Apex trade show found me in front of the company owner, his sales pitch boasting as to how “rock solid” his units were. I challenged him to sit on top of his unit while I stood on the open door (at the time I weighed over 200 lbs). I wanted to see just how tough these units were. We had been plagued for years by bent doors and frequent part replacements with other manufacturer’s units which, at that time, were in use at the Tim Horton’s stores. To my surprise the door held. And what’s more, it did not deflect or distort. EMR is always looking to represent manufacturers who produce quality equipment. By doing so, we receive the privilege of dealing with and being able to service satisfied customers. If the equipment is of poor quality it reflects on our ability to provide good service and achieve customer satisfaction. Swissh exceeds our expectations when it comes to technical backup for our service technicians, timely responses to any requests and a willingness to accept our judgement with regard to warranty determination. Hands down they are one ofthe top manufacturers whom we represent. We do not sell Swissh equipment nor do we profit directly from a sale. Our interest is service, and after the warranty period, parts sales. To this end I am not sure we benefited greatly by taking on the Swissh line, as with Swissh units the parts sales and repair calls are few. From the rugged construction to the rinse sentry and ease of use I have no problem backing Swissh’s products. Since 1999 we have performed only four warranty calls, one of which did not even cause the customer ‘down time’- in this case we were contracted by Swissh to replace a part which they thought “may” fail. The Tim Horton’s units have been in operation for varying time periods- one since 2010, one since 2011, three since 2012, and one since 2013. Undeniably these units have proven themselves and I am confident they are up for any challenging environment.
T.W / EMR Services Ltd.

J.B. Equipment Buyer
I am very pleased to advise you that Swissh Commercial Equipment has earned A&W’s Award of Excellence for performance and service levels during 2007. On a scale of O.O to 5.0, with 4.0 being the minimum requirement to achieve Award of Excellence status, Swissh Conrmercial Equipment performance rating for 2007 is 4.75. Congratulations on a truly outstanding result The A&W Supplier Award of Excellence winners are determined through evaluations submitted by our New Restaurant Operators, A&W Accounting Department and the Equipment Services Department. To account properly for the balance of day-to-day work, Franchisee feedback is weighted at 60% of your tota1 score with Accounting (20%) and Equipment Services (20%) contributing the final 40% of the evaluation. In 2007, new restaurants rated Swissh Commercial Equipment at 4.75 out of5. Both our Accounting team and our Equipment team ranked your perfonnance at 5 out of 5! This is an outstanding score and is a tribute to the relationship growing between A&W and Swissh. Congratulations once again for your fantastic scores. We look forward to working with you in 2008. Sincerely,
J.B. Equipment Buyer / A&W

I am very pleased to advise you that Swissh has earned A&W’s Award of Excellence for performance and service levels during 2004. On a scale ofO.O to 5.0, with 4.0 being the minimum requirement to achieve Award of Excellence status, Swissh’s performance rating for 2004 is 5.0 Congratulations on an outstanding result. The A&W Supplier Award ofExcellence winners are determined through evaluations submitted by our New Restaurant Operators, A& W’ s Accounting Department and the Equipment Services Manager with whom you primarily work. To account properly for the balance of day-to-day work, Franchisee feedback is weighted at 75% of your total score with Accounting (8.33%) and P&D (16.67%) contributing the final25% of the evaluation.
J.B / A&W

L.P. Owner
Spett. Swissh Equipment II sottoscritto Franco titolare del ristorante Elio Pizzeria ringrazia l’azienda Swissh ed il suo rappresentante Sig Taloni Claudio per averci installato una lavapiatti modello PLC25 , confermando, dopo qualque mese dal suo utilizzo, un enorme risparmio sui consumo di energia,sapone ed acqua ottenendo eccellenti risultati in termini di qualita nella pulizia di bicchieri e posate. Per tanto confermo un risparmio pari al 50% rispetto le precedenti fatture. Ci tengo inoltre a ringraziare i tecnici peril pronto servizio e per la disponibilita’ dimostrata.
L.P. Owner / Ristorante Elio

J’aimerais vous remerciez grandement pour le bon service apporte Ia semaine derniere,avec no us vous venez consolider ma tid elite en tant que restauratrice face avos produits.Je suis heureuse d’avoir Swissh chez moi. .. merci
Owner / Resto Bistro L'Entracte

Par la pnesente. je desire exprimer notre grande satisfaction au sujet de notre machine a cafe super automatique FRANKE achetee chez vous p!us tot cette annee. Notre machine a cafe qui demeure facile a utiliser d’entretien simple, donne a chaque fois un superbe cafe. oue ce soit Cappuccino, Espresso ou Latte. nos fideles clients apprecient !a qualite du produit. Bravo, pour cette machine a cafe et votre service hors pair! On ne pourrait plus s’en passer. Sincerement,

I would like to express my appreciation in having a super automatic coffee machine FRANKE bought at SWISSH COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT INC. earlier this year, It’s always a pleasure to have a coffee machine user friendly, easy to clean and giving a great product. our clients always enjoy their Cappuccino, Espresso or latte. Congratulations! For this super automatic coffee machine and great service.

A.M / Au Vieux Duluth

Vous nous avez demande de vous ecrire une lettre de reference en ce qui concerne notre niveau de satisfaction des lave-vaisselle Swissh. Eh bien, nous avons fait l’acquisition de plusieurs lave-vaisselle Swissh dont la premiere ala fin des annees 1990. Ace jour, apres plus de vingt ans, elles sont aussi performantes qu’au debut et nous n’avons jamais eu de problemes ou sinon tres peu. Le matin nous les demarrons en poussant sur le bouton “START”. Nous les utilisons maintes et maintes fois durant la journee et ala fermeture, apres la mise hors service, un petit nettoyage de deux minutes recommande pour l’entretien journalier. Peu importe qui utilise les unites, le resultat est toujours le meme: Verres, ustensiles, vaisselles, toujours impeccablement propres. La rapidite et l’efficacite des lave-vaisselle rend nos employe heureux et notre clientele plus que satisfaite. Ces petits bijoux de lavevaisselle nous sauve du temps, de l’energie, en plus d’economiser sur les produits chimiques. Et quoi dire du service? Toujours immediat et efficace tant du cote livraison que du cote technique. Enfin, comrne commentaire general, nos lave-vaisselle Swissh ont ete a la hauteur de vos promesses et nous les conseillons vivement a tout client potentiel. Sin cerement,
M.A. / Auberge Saint-Gabriel

Merci encore. Je ne sa is pas comment vous arrivez a faire parvenir tout aussi rapidement. Personne n’arrive a cela habituellement. Machine tres simple a neparer sans technicien. C’etait super d’avoir des pieces neuves auxquelles je n’aurais jamais pense commander d’avance et cela m’a sauve beaucoup de pertes de temps. Notre machine est desormais comme neuve.
N.V / A&W

A toutes fins utiles, nous prenons le temps de vous ecrire afin de vous remercier de votre sympathique devouement a repondre a nos besoins des dernieres semaines. Comme toujours, nous sommes entierement satisfaits de vos services que cela so it lors de nos appels au pres du service ala clientele ou avec les techniciens qui viennent dans notre installation. Un grand mercia toute votre equipe pour les services rendus afin de no us aider a realiser notre projet pour une machine dedier au lavage des jouets du CPE et pour l’entretien de notre lave-vaisselle regulier. Sans hesitation nous recommandons votre entreprise et vous pouvez etre assure de notre fidelite. Done mille mercis de votre precieuse collaboration et au plaisir.
J.P. / Centre de la petite enfance Complexe Desjardins

Suite a !’acquisition d’un lave-vaisselle industriel avec votre compagnie il y a plus d’un an, je tenais tout d’abord a vous souhaiter une tres bonne annee 2012. Je voulais aussi vous dire a quel point je suis satisfait du lave-vaisselle et de toutle service apres-vente qui en decoule. J’ai toujours eu un excellent service, depuis le debut de mes echanges avec vous, afin de savoir si c’etait la meilleure option pour notre centre communautaire Le Santropol Roulant. Et depuis !’installation dela machine, je n’ai eu que tres peu de problemes mineurs. Et des que j’appelais pour demander de l’information ou de l’aide, j’ai toujburs ete tres bien servi et vous avez toujours ete tres rapide a venir faire les eventuelles reparations necessaires. De plus, a c:haque fois que vous apportez du savon, vous verifiez le lave-vaisselle pour qu’il fonctionne de maniere optimale. Je suis vraiment ravi de faire affaire avec vous. Et j’espere que notre bonne collaboration va continuer de meme en 2012. Merci encore et au plaisir de se revoir au courant de l’annee.
A.N / Santropol Roulant

A l’attention de: Swissh Commercial Equipment OBJET: RESULT AT LA VE-VAISSELLE APRES 1 AN

Je vous ecris afin de vous informer du resultat des couts economises suite aux changements demon ancien lave vaisselle (location Ecolab et savon Ecolab) versus votre lave vaisselle Swish et vos produits, ainsi que vos conseil d’utilisation et de procedures avec votre lave vaisselle. Tout d’abord au niveau des couts de savon, en 2005 mes couts de savona vaisselle ont ete de 10 000$. Pour la demiere avec vos savons et votre machine 5 600$ pour une economie de 4 400 $. Suite a votre suggestion de rincer la vaisselle avec de l’eau tiede plutot que l’eau chaude, et la performance de votre machine, j ‘estime avoir economise 3 000$ en eau chaude pour 1 ‘annee. Tout cela avec de meilleurs resultats pour la proprete de la vaisselle. En plus votre machine brise moins souvent que 1′ ancienne que j’avais (votre lave-vaisselle a brise une seule fois). Ce que j’apprecie aussi de votre entreprise, c’est votre service. Lorsque vous livrez du savon, votre technicien fait une verification de nos deux lave-vaisselle et ce gratuitement. En conclusion, merci de m’avoir · b’ n conseille et soyez assure que je vous recommande aupres d’ autres restaurateurs !

A.N / Rôtisserie La Victorienne